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Polyurea-based packaging

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SkinPack filed a patent in July 2017 for the use of polyurea for membrane purposes to protect parts or tools. In other words, all packaging solutions containing polyurea are now protected.

Its advantages are numerous :

Preservation of the environment (no VOC emissions and no side reaction)
No loss of density
Excellent chemical resistance
Very good resistance to UV, bad weather, and temperatures from -30°C to +140°C
Possibility of tinting to any RAL 
Integration of references in the material and the shortest polymerization time in its category.

In addition, the use of polyurea makes it possible to guarantee a perfect shape of the part with a material that does not crumble and resists the aggressions of use: essential in the fight against FOD

Notre brevet: Articles

Patent No. FR1756489 according to ART.R.612-7 of the Intellectual Property Code.

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